October 22, 2019

How exercising together can turn your family into a team

Family Exercise
Exercise is of course the backbone to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It reduces a wealth of health risks including heart disease and some cancers. Engaging in regular physical activity is also proven to have a positive impact on a person’s mental well-being and general happiness. It is therefore crucial to their development that children learn the importance of regular exercise from an early age. And the best way for parents to ensure this happens is to lead by example. Setting a precedent for children helps to instil healthy habits early on and dramatically increases the likelihood that they will remain physically active as adults. However between work and social commitments, exercise can often be put on the backburner. But it doesn’t need to be that way. Many families are already reaping the rewards of getting active together, and we don’t just mean the obvious health benefits already discussed. This is to say that families who exercise together get stronger in more ways than one.

Strengthen family bonds

Sport has always been a great way to bring people together and this extends to the family dynamic. Parents who exercise with their kids are not just setting a great precedent but also simultaneously strengthening their family’s bond by bringing about a sense of togetherness and belonging. When families converge at the end of a busy day, it can often involve collapsing in front of a screen with little in the way of meaningful conversation, or even worse, silence. Exercising as a family allows you to create memories that can last a lifetime while also making your children feel part of a bigger whole, bringing them closer to you and their siblings in the process.

Teach important life skills

As well as keeping them fit and healthy, participating in team sports or group exercise is known to teach children important life skills and aid their psychological development. Learning how to be part of a team, for example, is one of the most important things children can learn during their formative years. Family exercise provides parents with the perfect platform to show their children how to effectively work as a part of a team and get along with others. This will also help to cultivate a team mindset in your home, and who knows where that could lead? Your children may be more inclined to help out with household chores or even start sharing with their siblings!

What next?

So as well as providing you and your loved ones with the obvious health benefits, exercising as a family helps to promote teamwork and strengthens family relationships. However it is likely to only be effective if you all enjoy your time together. First and foremost, sport is meant to be fun. But finding a physical activity suitable for everyone can be tricky. Pick the wrong exercise and your children could soon become bored while anything too tough runs the risk of injury or burnout.
At Skadoosch, we are offering free introductory classes focused on families getting active together. It is an opportunity to play fun activities and games together.

“Families who exercise together get stronger in more ways than one.”

At Skadoosch, we are offering free introductory classes focused on families getting active together. It is an opportunity to play fun activities and games together. So if you would like to learn more about what we do, please call us on +44 (0)75 683 28806 or email

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