Warm Up - Superheroes


Warm Up - Superheroes

Start with check-in and then build intensity with high knees alternating with backside kicks. Repeat and then standing still, take it into sky reaches (reaching as high as can with each hand and alternating). Shake the arms (Leader can make a game of this, eg shake arms high, shake arms down by the ground, to the side…). Everyone stands side on and starts bouncing light on the toes. When Leader calls out, everyone on their toes bouncing as fast as they can while doing short punches out as fast as they can (think cartoons speed punching) for a short burst and then back to very light bouncing on the toes. Can repeat and also add in “Squat and Kick”. Leader can give different numbers to these (like 2 squats, two kicks, 4 squats and 4 kicks, 1 of each).
Target Areas