Hop Scotch


Hop Scotch

Step 1 Mark a hopscotch grid on the ground
This could be drawn in chalk or washable marker or set out with tape
The squares need to be big enough to fit one foot in and to make sure that an object (such as a pair of socks or a bean bag) thrown into it will not bounce out too easily. They should be numbered in ascending order with number 1 closest to the throwing point.
Step 2 Throw your object into square one
The object has to land in the square without touching the border or bouncing out. If you don’t get it within the lines you lose your turn and have to pass the object onto the next person. If your object lands in the square correctly, you go onto the next step.
Step 3 Hopping and jumping through the grid
Hop through the squares skipping the one you have your stone in. Each square gets one foot - your starting foot is up to you. Always keep your feet inside the appropriate square(s), if you step on a line, hop on the wrong square, or step out of the square, you lose your turn.
Step 4 Pick up the object on your way back
When you get to the last number turn around (either hopping or jumping depending on how your grid is drawn up) and hop and jump your way back in reverse order. While you’re on the square before the one with your object on, lean over and pick it up then skip over that square. You can’t jump or hop in a square that you have just picked up your object from.
Step 5 Repeat
If you completed your turn with the object on square one, you then continue by throwing your object onto square two on your next turn. The goal is to complete the course with your object travelling through each square, the first participant to do this wins the game.
  • Requires a washable marker such as chalk or tape, object such as a pair of socks or a bean bag
  • May require some adjustment to suit Pre-School aged children, the elderly, pregnant women or SEND participants.