Clear the Area


Clear the Area

Divide the participants into 2 groups. Set two markers apart to create a gap, and two markers further back where each group will stand similar to the below diagram.
             X                                      X                                          X                                 X
  Group 1     ----->             Gap marker 1                   Gap marker 2    
Group 1 will start with the object (for this example we will call the object a ball but it could be anything that can be passed and caught eg. a pair of socks). When the game commences a participant from group 1 will run to gap marker 1. At the same time a participant from group 2 will run to gap marker 2. The Participant from group 1 will use a chest pass to get the ball across the gap, so that the participant from group 2 can catch it on the full. Once the participant from group 1 has thrown the ball, they will run back to their group who, and tag their next team member who will then run to gap marker 1. The participant from group 2 (who now has the ball) will then chest pass the ball back to the new participant from group 1 thus creating a relay. This pattern will continue until the class leader calls time, or until everyone has done it at least once.
  • Requires an object such as a Soft ball.